Do you know how to save money at Christmas while having fun?
Its Sounds impossible, but it can be possible. Everyone assumes that to enjoy
the holiday season, you have to invest money when the opposite may be true. Research
has shown that many of the most loving and lasting memories of the holiday
season revolve around the smells and sounds of Christmas, not the expensive
gifts they received.
Do not get carried away and be stingy, but use common sense
and be surprised how much you can save and have a good time. Here are some
helpful tips to how to save money on Christmas without spending a fortune:
Why purchase an expensive gift for a child when he will only
play with the cardboard box he entered with? An alternative could be to buy a
board game that the whole family can enjoy instead of many individual gifts
that will be quickly overlooked. The other advantage of a board game is that it
can be played during the child`s first years, preventing him from having to buy
even more toys in the future. It is better to choose a proven board game
instead of the latest in fashion, as it is more likely to retain its appeal.
If you can`t afford to buy board games, try playing board
games. Go to your local library and take out a book of board games, write down
some of your favorite games and play them. A simple pampering game can keep
children entertained for hours.
Why buy a box of expensive cookies when you can have so much
fun with a box that costs much less? The content is basically the same, so why
spend more?
Christmas Tree:
Why purchase a fresh Christmas tree that will price more and
has the inherent problem of cleaning fallen needles when you can purchase a
plastic Christmas tree for much less? In addition to not having to worry about
cleaning the needles, the plastic tree has the additional advantage of being
reusable, which makes it a very economical proposal.
Why buy expensive balls to decorate the Christmas tree when
home decorations can be so effective without incurring the cost? Involve the
children. It`s your Christmas, after all! Ask them to paint, color, cut, design
and create their own decorations for the tree.
They can also be shown how to create a home decorations
item, including seasonal paper candles paper banners, paper lanterns and place
tags. By involving the children, it will give them a sense of accomplishment
and some pride in what they have achieved. Should it be more meaningful than
buying expensive decoration and placing it on the tree?
Why buy an expensive turkey when a chicken can be just as
tasty and cheaper? It will also take less time to cook and thus save on the
electricity bill.
When shopping for Christmas, try not to get carried away by
all the smart marketing tactics you use to make you spend more money. Always
look for bargains and keep shopping wisely. Select promotional items. Select
the items that offer "Buy one, get one free".
The Planning:
With a little planning, you will be surprised how much you
can save. Here is a useful buying advice that will save you at least 50% on the
cost of all Christmas decorations, Christmas cards, Christmas cookies and
wrapping paper. Wait just after Christmas when supermarkets start organizing
your sales after Christmas.
Then you can buy all the cards, cookies, candles, balls,
wrapping paper and other decorations at very low prices. Then they can be used
for the following year.
If you follow the above tips, you will save money. The money
you save can be used to pay for summer vacations.